Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Thousands Of Dollars And 6 Weeks Later Still Nothing From Matthew Graves


September 1, 2012 - 
I sent an email to Matthew asking if he had received my email of August 22, 2012 with the links he requested. He replied the next day saying that he did receive it and asked me if it went into my junk mail. He also said he would find it and resend it.I replied back telling that his email address had been white listed for over a month and asked him to tell me what day he sent it.

September 2, 2012
I posted on Matthew's wall on Facebook. He had written that Labour Day was a joke and that people should take action to improve their lot in life. I left a comment stating that was the reason I joined his programme but that I was unable to take action because I had yet to receive any training. I had also posted that I had not yet received the email he was going to resend and that I had wondered what was taking so long.

He removed my comments. My comment on his Labour Day post was a testimonial. There is no law that say all testimonials have to be positive. I don't recall having signed a non-disclosure agreement, either.

September 3, 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012

Nothing To Report About My Training

I am still waiting to receive something in the way of ideas or strategy from Matthew.

Meanwhile, I have come to realize how important it is to build your traffic either before, or at the same time that you promote your business.

If you are surfing in a traffic exchange as a free member to earn credits, are you really getting free traffic? Your efforts are costing you time, which is something that you can never get back. Also, the amount of traffic you earn pales in comparison to what you could end up with by leveraging your traffic.

Leveraging traffic simply involves building downlines in traffic exchanges. You will receive a percentage of the credits they earn and your downlines can grow to a point where you would not have to do any surfing at all, if you didn't want to.

Traffic exchange downline builders are  usually free to join. I recommend
CyberWheelers because of how easy the system is to understand and implement. The owner, Jose Garriga Jr. also has free webinars on traffic building. It is certainly worth checking out.

Hopefully I will have more news on my training with Matthew soon.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

An Email Definitely Worth Reading

Occasionally Matthew includes some excellent advice in his promotional emails. If you happen to be struggling to make money online, it would serve you well to carefully read what he sent out to his members on July 27th,  one week before his email explaining the annual investor program.


by Matthew Graves

Is your success "stuck in a rut"? 

You have probably seen the stats that say that 98% of those who try to make a living online fail. Pretty discouraging, right? Well, let me tell you how to turn that stat on it's head.

I love stats. My solution for any problem starts with a spreadsheet. So let's take a look at that stat ... 98% failure. Now lets turn it the other way ... 98% failure means 2% success. Would you play a lottery where you had a 1 in 50 chance of winning? Of course you would! People play lotteries all the time where you have a 1 in 14,000,000 chance of winning. That makes online business more appealing, but it is even better than that, because unlike a lottery you control the outcome with your business. 

In the lottery, the only way to increase your chance of winning is to buy more tickets. Succeeding online isn't a game of chance ... it is a game of skill and strategy. What skills and strategies can you learn to make sure you are in the 2% and not the 98%?

Well, I suggest you start by not doing what the 98% do! They focus all their energy on promoting other people's products using standard affiliate pages. That is a way to learn, but not a way to earn! If you want to earn, then you need to "Be An Owner, Not An Affiliate!"

You start doing this by "owning" your marketing. Don't use standard affiliate pages ... create your own. Don't know how ... learn! Don't want to learn ... you are in the wrong business! The biggest difference between the 98% and the 2% is that the 2% are adaptable and constantly learning. They know there is always a better way, and are constantly searching for it. 

If you want large income and no work, then you are the 98%. If you are willing to work and learn for your success, then join the 2% and live your dreams!


The last two paragraphs hit the nail right on the head! Matthew is being blatantly honest and it would be wise to heed his advice.

Patience Is A Key To Success

On August 21st, I received a reply from Matthew. He said that he had been taking notes and thinking about some ideas.  He also asked for the link to my traffic exchange, Alien Networkers, as well as lnks for Global NPN.

I sent the links and updated him on my site and provided him with an overview of Global NPN.

Yesterday, August 22nd, I received emails from both Webbizinsider and Splash Page Surfer announcing that he will be launching a new site next week. He gave a brief description about it but no links, of course. This was just a heads up to his members..

I then asked Matthew about it and he assured me that I, as an investor, would be set up with an account and be free to market it before anyone else, even before ordinary JV partners. He will also deposit this month's bonus credits that come with my investment.

Matthew must be extremely busy managing 4 other sites and preparing this new one for launch. My little traffic exchange takes up a lot of my time. I can't imagine how he does it!

Patience is indeed a virtue, and it is a requirement when working with someone successful like Matthew. I feel fortunate to have been able to align myself with him. In the video he made about the Investor 2012 program, he states that it was it was for a short list of Lifetime Premium members. I am just a free member. Fate? Coincidence? Luck?

My traffic exchange has grown to 144 members since May 1st. I really would like to get some strategy in place in time for the return of online marketers in September. So, I do hope that Matthew comes up with something for me soon.

Monday, August 20, 2012

An Introduction

Meet my internet marketing mentor, Matthew Graves!

I recently invested money in his company, Web's Best Marketing. He has an annual investor/joint venture program which he offers to some of his members.

At the end of one year I am to receive my investment back with a 25% rate of return. It is guaranteed by a Promissory Note (and his stellar online reputation). I am also to receive internet marketing training and support. Check out his video here.

Matthew, as you may well know, is a famous traffic exchange guru. He owns WebbizinsiderTop Tier Tier Traffic and Splash Page Surfer. He also owns Top Tier Mailer, a viral mailing program. Combined, these sites have over 250,000 members!

Now, I have a fledgling traffic exchange called Alien Networkers, and the which is built around a team build for the network marketing opportunity Global NPN

The team build is revolutionary in the way it distributes new referrals. It is mathematically sustainable and completely transparent. Who better to teach me how to make my traffic exchange and team build grow other than a successful master like Matthew?

Matthew has agreed to be my traffic exchange and team build marketing coach instead of setting up a blog and autoresponder to build a mailing list and teaching how to succeed with those.

He gave me a task to complete and that was to answer the following 3 questions:

Hi Fred,

I know you have already provided me with some background info, but I want to continue with 3 questions.  Answer these questions for me, but also to clarify things for yourself:

Where are you?

Where do you want to go?

How do you think that you are going to get there?

Think of these are relating to your online business.  Can't wait to see your answers!


I submitted my answers to him on August 16th and I am waiting for a reply. 

Meanwhile, check out Matthew's 5 Minutes To Online Success. Learn one simple step that can go a long way to achieving your goals!

Please stand by for the next update!